Argan Oil
The benefits of argan oil:
- Promotes hair growth, helping to grow healthy and strong hair.
- Hair becomes more malleable and repairs elasticity.
- Helps detangle hair, easier to brush.
- Hair becomes silky and shinier.
- Repairs damaged and dry hair.
- Hydrates in-depth and prevents frizz.
- Fight dandruff by hydrating the scalp.
- Moisturizes dyed hair, making it soft and shiny.
- Regulates the sebaceous glands of the scalp for oily hairs.
- Repairs and hydrates split ends.
Apply a couple of drops to the hair when it is slightly damp. It will help you brush and give it shine and softness.
Mix a few drops of argan oil with our conditioner or shampoo, adding the properties of argan oil to our products.
Presentation: 50 ml.
3 uses of argan oil
- Hair: brings glow, softness, hydration, and protection from external aggressions.
- Skin: Provides luminosity, hydration, and velvety texture.
- Nails: Offers strength and growth.
Aceite de Argán
- Nace un pelo sano y fuerte.
- El pelo se vuelve sedoso y con más brillo.
- Repara el pelo dañado y seco.
- Combate la caspa.
- Hidrata los pelos teñidos.
- Regula los pelos grasos.
- Repara.
Aplicar un par de gotas sobre el cabello cuando está un poco húmedo le dará brillo.
Mezclar unas gotas de aceite de argán con nuestro acondicionador o champú, sumandole las propiedades del aceite de argán a nuestros productos.
Presentacion: 50 ml
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